Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cinco de Months - oh


You are FIVE months old this week.  You are usually our happy, smiley, playful little boy.  I love that with each passing day you interact more and more with us.

Because our next appointment isn't until you are 6 months old, we don't really know your official numbers/weight.  But, you are growing into your 6 month clothes (pants are a little snug with your fluffy diapers) and definitely getting heavier.  We packed up all your small cloth diapers (both the Tailfeathers and the Thirsties) this weekend.  The One-Size ones are still a bit big, but they don't leak so we are using them ;-) You have grown out of your NB size shoes.  Size ones and some twos are starting to fit.

At 5 months you:
Laugh....seriously, cuteness overload!  Every day when I get you home, we undress and giggle for a solid 10 minutes.  It is seriously the highlight of my day.
You are sitting up for a few moments on your own without needing held up.
You do this way better now...but I caught one of your first sit
Sitting in a big boy chair!

You have discovered your feet, especially in the bath tub. 

You put everything in your mouth.  Some favorites are my hair, your paci (any end of it), your blankets/clothing items, and toys.
You look so old here....

You roll over - we were trying to take pictures to match some of me and your daddy.  Future blog post ;-)

You are favoring your right side when you reach for things or roll.  You reach with your right side first. I wonder if you'll be right handed.
Your eyes are changing to more of a grey blue color

You 'talk' and continue to have conversations with us!

You don't like to sleep anywhere but next to me. Sometimes we can squeeze 2-3 hours in your crib at night, but you always end up next to us.  You only nap for 30-45 minutes with Ms. Susan...guess you just don't want to miss anything :-)

Your fingernails are dangerous...see mommy-fail below.  I thought you could go more than a few days without a manicure.  Now, I know better, and we trim your nails every other day!

 You play in our excersaucer and are lovin it.  The one at home is still a bit tall for you so I put blankets underneath.

 You were baptized this month.  Jesus officially loves you!
 I love you so very much my snug-bug.  You are my favorite Valentine treat. I love the pictures of your happiness below!


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