Tuesday, July 2, 2013

9 months!


You are NINE months old.  N. I. N. E.  The end of the single-digits.  I almost cried when I looked at the 10 month sticker behind this one- you are getting so big so fast!

 At your doctors appointment this week you are:
- 20 lbs 6 oz (50%)
- 29.3 cm (50%)
- head cirm is now 80% (you're just so smart those brains need a place to go!)

 You started crawling on May 26th, pulling up to standing the same week, and are now tracking all over the furniture.  Your doctor thinks you will be an early walker ;-)
 You love to crawl all over us.  We are your jungle gyms.  You are also Mr. Independant (I have NO idea where you get that from) You will take your pacifier at bed/nap times but only if you put it in yourself.  If we offer it, you get more mad.
You are still exclusively breastfed, but we do include you on three meals a day.  Breakfast is usually Cheerios, Orange slices/watermelon/strawberries, and some eggs.  Lunch and Dinner are whatever we eat.  You LOVE your baby cheetos and those Plum organic pouches.  Those are lifesavers when we go out to eat!
You took your THIRD plane ride this month ;-)  I think you are more well traveled than any other baby!

 You love bath time and don't mind getting water poured over your head.  We've started to bathe you nightly because you are getting pretty dirty with this new-found mobility!
 You are such a happy baby during the day ;-)
You had your first swim(s) this month!  First swim EVER was at the cabin.  The lake was freezing, but you didn't seem to mind!
 You did like the taste of the sand...ewwww....
 And your FIRST swim in the ocean ;-) McClurg family reunion, June 2013
This post has taken me about two weeks to finish.  Its been a fun month, but in the words of your pediatrician ," you are a perfect baby, both in milestones and growth, but you need to SLEEP!"
Other fun things:
We've seen a start of some temper tantrums. Joy.
You love to people watch.
You are pulling up on everything.  Your favorite spots are the coffee table, the dishwasher, and the laundry basket.
Our favorite CD are still the bumgenius and the tailfeathers.  This month the poop is easier to deal with since you are getting some solids down (TMI i know!)
You enjoy reading - at night you sit through two books without getting distracted.  I hope you always love to read!


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