Saturday, December 20, 2014

Cohen, 27 months

Because this has been kind of a place for me to 'scrapbook' online, I do want to remember the past couple of months with my growing little boy.

It seems like just since his September birthday that he has just turned from toddler to a little man.  ;-)

Do you see what I mean? Look at that little ham with with hand in his pocket.  Seriously kid. JUST STOP GROWING UP SO FAST!!!

These are his day school pictures.  His Aunt Audrey cut his hair just a few days before and he was rocking the big boy gel hair-do.


Since you've turned two, each week your vocabulary increases about a 100 words.  And now instead of me translating most of it, the general public can communicate with you.  You love to say hi and bye to random strangers, and love the attention when people respond back.  It is not unusual for people to give you high-fives as they leave restaurants and you give your friends at church a 'fist-bump' with sound effects.  (Because apparently thats what cool 2 year old boys do! Thanks Jenn ;-)

You are still our smuggler and love to give kisses and hugs.  Kisses are freely given and sometimes you will cover our whole faces with them!  Your BIIIIIG hugs are complete with pats on the back.  Generally though, you just want to be touching one of us.  You'd rather sit on our laps while you eat, you hang on to pant legs and just like to be near people.

You had a fever here...we had no idea..

You are mommy's mini-me.  Strong willed and opinionated ;-) You listen when you want to and struggle with time outs and consequences. Learning that is tough!  You love to read books and have just started to read 'aloud' on your own. You also sing songs and request them...some favorites are "You are my sunshine" "The Disney train ABC song" "Farmer Song (Old MacDonald)" and "Thomas the train"  You can sing the ABC all the way through and sing a nakey-baby song every day after bath time.  I won't put that video up on the blog...haha!

Since daddy has been home a lot lately, you've really turned into a little daddy's boy. He's the first one you ask for when you wake up, and you want to play trains and kitchen with him almost every day.  Potty training has been great because he and I are both here to tag team you.  Daddy gives in to your requests for Mickey and likes to chase you around the house.

Speaking of potty training... just for documentation:
Beginning of December 2014 - you started to take your diaper off after naps and night time. Several times you peed aiming outside the crib, or would leave us presents to clean up on your bed.  The accidents terrified you...
So a week ago, we decided to go for it.  You were showing all the signs of readiness, and with it being a break from day school we figured why not ;-) (Signs: waking up dry, taking clothes off on your own, had been peeing in the potty a few times a day just for fun, the crib nakey baby messes...oh lordy!)

Sunday - half day started naked baby boot camp.  Sat you on the potty every half hour with no accidents.  Put you in a diaper at night and woke up dry.
Monday - Wednesday; naked baby boot camp.  Sometimes you would wear your underwear.  We had 2 pee accidents and finally got you to do a #2...although it was REALLY awful..  Who knew that could be so traumatic?
You refused to be put in diapers since...and tomorrow will be a week out.  You are 27 months old. And we aren't looking back.
I know there will be more accidents to come and probably some battles of the wills, but for the most part, this has been a good transition for all of us.  Now if you could just reach the sink to wash your own hands afterwards... ;-)

This post was supposed to be a short update - ha! You still love your Grandpa, you request your teachers and friends at school and you are a little charmer.  You turn on the christmas tree lights each day, you feed the dogs and let them outside and you 'help' mama with her makeup.  All part of Mr. Independent One

We love you booger.

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