Wednesday, March 27, 2013

13.1 x 2

Nope, that's not an algebra equation!  I ran my second half-marathon on Sunday, and Patrick ran his first!  We signed up for the Dallas Rock N Rock half as a motivation for Cohen and for me getting back into running.  I really am a better person when I can get my feet on the pavement a few times a week.

 Since I am competitive with myself, I knew I was going to be a LOT slower than the last half I did (pre-preggo) and didn't train as hard. ( I finished 30 minutes SLOWER than the last time (White Rock 2011))  So...I was going to make it a super fun race - and I made myself a tutu at the last minute!  I wanted to see if the wind would make it blow up in my face before the race, so I 'practiced' running in it...

Except my husband vetoed it and said he wouldn't stand near me if I really ran with it... (check out that face)

The weather was forecasted to be cold and windy - really windy - and I knew it was going to further slow me down.   But actually, the race was quite enjoyable and the wind only caught us a few times before dying back down around the downtown Dallas buildings!

Here I am at the start line.  My coral didn't actually start until 22 minutes after the start of the race because I was so far back pace-wise.

 Overall this race was a MUCH better half than the only other 13 miles I've ever completed. I can honestly say I ENJOYED the run instead of dreading it like I did last time.  I finished in 3:07, 7 minutes after my goal of 3 hours.  But I did run great until mile 11, so I'll take it. ;-)

Here we are with the baby after the finish.  So fun to have a great prize at the end! 

We got to run the first part of the race with my friend and co-worker Amy Gearhart.  This was her first major race and she did amazing!

Susan and I ;-) She has run with me for both my races and is an inspiration (she runs them in like 2 hours or something gross!).  She's basically Cohen's other mother, too, so we had to get a pic after our lunch at Two Rows.

All runners here: John and Susan Connelly and Patrick and I ;-)  We are so blessed to have amazing friends!!!!!

Cohen got a little souvenir...

Oh, and if you like my headband, I figured our how to make them ;-) The ones they sell to runners are $10-15 a PIECE, so I was excited to use my new sewing machine and make one that matches my outfits....because lets face it, if I'm going to run slow, I'm going to look good doing it!

**Special thanks to my in-laws for coming down and watching Cohen while we raced.  We LOVED having them here this weekend!!!**


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