Monday, March 25, 2013

Half a year has flown by...

And our precious baby is 6 months old!!


You are still in the 50% on everything; height, weight and head circumference.  Today at the pediatrican's office you weighed 17 lbs 11 oz and are 26.5 inches long.  You are still mostly in 3-6 month clothes but wear 9 month pjs (your legs are just too dang long for the 6 month ones!) We love your little thigh rolls, and how you look like a healthy baby boy! (Your prevacid is really helping the puking, too, little boy.  Lets grow out of that asap!)

You are sitting up on your own better and better.  Sometimes gravity gets the better of you, but you're learning...
You are blabbering more and have started making the high-pitched screaming sound.  We lovingly refer to it as your pterodactyl dino sound.

We raised the belts in your car seat up one level for your shoulder highth - you are getting so tall!

You use your paci when you are tired or cranky, but its not an all the time thing any more.  You do love to have a blanket or burp cloth by your face for comfort, however.

You reach and grab things for tummy time.  No movement or anxiety to crawl forward, however, you do like to roll across the room.  I am definitely ok with you waiting to become mobile ;-)
 You love your dogs.  Seriously. Love. Them.  You follow their every move and have started to reach out for them.  Olivia likes to lick your little hands, but Bella has figured out that you'll be the source of some table scraps soon.  She follows you around just in case you have something sticky to share :-)

We tried to start some solids this month (like a week ago).  Since you are still 100% breastfed, this is really more for learning how to eat than for nutrition.  Lots of people told us this would help you sleep- ha! - you have definitely disproven that theory! Oatmeal did not work on your tummy.  You like sweet potatoes...and thats about it right now.  Fruits are not your cup of tea, prunes, pears and bananas seem to be on your not yet list.  When you are home, we give you big chunks of 'food' to play with as hopefully we will be doing baby-led weaning with you in the coming months!

You are our happy happy boy. Despite the lack of sleep and scheduling you are just one of THE happiest kids we know!

Except when it comes to sleeping....

 Here's where we are this month on sleeping ;-)  Our pediatrician validated my suspicion that you were waiting to eat until mommy arrived at home....apparently you prefer me over those plastic bottles- lol.  That's fine if I stayed home and could nurse you whenever you wanted, but since I have to work, you've got to learn to eat during the day.  Right now you eat about 12 ounces total during the day and then nurse all. night. long.  Many nights you nurse for over 10 minutes every hour or two....needless to say, I'm exhausted.
The name for this is reverse cycling and we have to help reverse this: both for my sanity and your health.  Our doctor said you are healthy enough to be sleeping 6 or more hours in a row without eating, so we are going to start training you this week.  Its going to be miserable, and your daddy will have to take care of you during the night so you don't want me and my milk....the good thing is you won't remember it...and you'll hopefully eat more calories during the day!!! (Fingers crossed I start to get more sleep after this drama!!!)

First St. Patty's Day!!

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