Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Baby Weight?


See, as promised, I do have some blog posts up my sleeve.  This was a good one to refresh on today as today I woke up on the 'fat' side of the bed :-/

Here is my progress about 5 months in.  I have to remind myself that I didn't diet or exercise until 8 weeks post-partum.  Since I am a goal oriented person, it just looks like I have SO much more to go.  And I'll whine again like yesterday, 'whomever said breastfeeding helps with weight-loss sure did lie..."

I'll be honest.  I have a good 15-20 pounds to go before I get to my pre-preggo weight...see...

4 weeks preggo
38 weeks preggo
Geez, I was huge.  That maternity picture was taken the day before we were induced. 

Last Friday I was feeling pretty good about my jiggly-post-Cohen body. (excuse the middle school bathroom background - its the only place with a longer mirror!)  I was dressed for a pep rally and in 'normal' jeans, and I thought I looked pretty good.

Well, I am hopeful that with some sleep and good running habits that I'll look like me again before the summer.  My wonderful mother reminds me that it took nine months to get all that weight on, it will probably take just as long to get back into my skin.  Too bad I am known for being impatient....

And just for fun.  Here is me after a 5 mile run. In 28 degree weather.  In Oklahoma wind. ;-)  I'm scared about running this half marathon coming up....

Flowers from my hubbie this week.  I think he's tired of hearing my negative self-image talks ;-)  But I love him and I love these roses!


1 comment :

  1. You look great! It took a year with mine to come off so give yourself time. Just enjoy that baby ;)


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