Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Still Swimming...

I know, I know.  I've been a bad blogger lately.  I used to get so frustrated at my favorite bloggers for taking so very long to post again.  I just looked back at our own blog roll and realized I have been a very. bad. blogger. lately.  Sorry :-(

I promise things haven't been all quite on the western front.  In fact, I have several blog posts just sitting in draft form waiting to be finished....Cohen's baptism, my weight updates, random days of fun, and our recent trip to Oklahoma.  Life recent just seems to be moving to fast.  The daylight slips through my fingers and when I look up its almost 9pm. 

Cohen has been keeping me up for the past several weeks eating less than every two hours at night.  My little app tells me its an average of one hour and 38 minutes....all night long.  Last night I finally got a 4 and 3 hour chunk of uninterrupted sleep, and gosh, I feel more like a normal person today than I have in a week!  I know the lack of sleep is affecting everything.  So there's my excuse for not blogging.

In other randoms, I'm failing miserably at keeping my head above water on dieting and running.  I'm lucky to fit in two runs a week.  My belly is still huge and I feel like a cow.  Whomever said breastfeeding makes you thinner faster totally lied.  I am down to my 'fat' weight pre-preggo.  Those 15-20 more pounds are going to take some determination to get rid of...but oh, how much I'd rather sleep....

Spring Break is next week.  I promise to be a better blogger ;-)

I'm still swimming with my nose barely above water....

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