They say time always goes too fast...and it does. Mommy has a breakdown at least once a day because you are growing too fast, getting bigger, and filling out those newborn features. I do love the chubby cheeks and am sure I will enjoy the next phase just as much as this one. Minus Maui I guess :)...
How are you less than a week a way from being a MONTH old. I mean, A MONTH, Cohen. Seriously, make time stop please! Our newborn is almost not a newborn but a certifiable baby...luckily a friend took your newborn pictures so I could cry over the memories. (One of our Sunday school class members is an awesome friend and photographer...she sent us some pics as previews before we purchase the files. Isn't this amazing??? She should seriously do this full time!!! Thanks Dyan!) A sneak peek here:
Cohen, things we have learned about you this week:
Real Tears- As if you crying wasn't bad enough, now your little peepers get wet when you scream. I have a feeling that you might have your daddy and I wrapped around your fingers.
Hot and heat- Its no wonder that I kept the house at 68 degrees when I was pregnant. You HATE being hot. That has served us quite a few challenges in Maui where there is no A/C except in the car. The aiden and anais blankets are your favorite because they are so thin and you sleep the most soundly in just a diaper.
Growing Eyelashes- We first noticed a few lashes around week 2 and think you finally have them all the way across your upper lid. They catch your tears by the way....can you tell I have a really hard time with that?
Peeling- We put coconut oil on you to help, but mostly your face is left in the newborn skin peeling process. It's cute- you look like you are peeling from a sunburn here in Maui.
Sound sensitive- You love love love music and being sung too (you are my son after all) and are really sensitive to sounds in general. You can take sun in your eyes or a crowded restaurant, but a loud noise and you startle really easily.
Tummy is gassy- Mylocon and no diary or fried foods for momma keep the pain down a bit. Please get over this phase soon!
Know momma means groceries- yep, my voice equals rooting and a boob for a pacifier. But I'm ok with that because you know who I am :-)
Began pumping-you've had 3 bottles. One at home and two in Maui. I've got to figure out a schedule for this when we get back to Dallas time zone.
You don't like your carseat- Le sigh...
Here's how you sleep in a pack-n-play in our room. Yes, there are blankets in there. This was your nap and I was in the room. At night we only use a swaddled (the blue thing) and two rolled up burp clothes to keep you from rolling.
Heres you sleeping on daddy's knee during a nighttime feeding in Maui.
Things we have learned about us:
We are not a cry it out family- I know there are two sides to this part of parenting, and for us we refuse to let a wee one cry it out. First, I can't handle it :-) and second, this is your way of communicating that something isn't right. When you have needs we solve it. Now, later on when you have a voice and can let us know the difference between I'm high-maintenance and I'm in pain, then yes, you'll have your fair share of crying. But until then, I get pretty frustrated with people telling us its good for your lungs. Who started that wives tale anyway?
My gluten allergy may have come back- the jury is still out but I've not been well the past few days until I stopped eating gluten. Hmmmm.
I need to pack more clothes- when going out of the house, I always have extra clothes for you. No one mentioned that I should pack a pair since you seem to like peeing and puking on me, too.
After all that, I'm still not really relating as a Mom, yet. I mean, I love Cohen, and taking care of him comes really naturally to me, but I don't feel like he's MINE really. Patrick immediately related as a proud papa and I'm loving watching them together...maybe I'm just a late bloomer?
And because he's just THIS cute....
Who does he look like? I see lots of his cousin Finley in this one.