Monday, October 22, 2012

One Month Old!


You are one month old.  Stop it.  I'm serious.

While driving in Maui, your daddy and I made a list of things you did/do this month.  In my opinion you have done way too much just what we expected.

First of all, you are a world traveler and have taken your first ride in a car, plane, bus, and boat.  Transportation lulls you to sleep but you hate traffic and red stop lights.  You are like your momma and like faster speeds ;-)  I don't know any other one month olds that have visited Hawaii (your parents are the crazies that thought this was sane).

Some other fun facts.
 - You are more alert and awake for more hours of the day and interact with mommy and daddy.  We are beginning to see you smile and its not just for gas anymore.

-  You are impatient and chill at the same time.  I guess its a good mix of both of your parents.
-  You hate changing your clothes and/or getting your diaper changed.
- You like nakey-baby time and laying on our bed by your self.  I think you like your personal space - many times you get over-handled and held and just want to be left alone.
-  You sleep with your mouth open and when you wake up you sound like a billygoat.  Its pretty cute.

-  This is your pee face.  Every. Single. Time.

- You are a very gassy newborn although I think we have some solutions to the problem (see mom's update later on) This may include using Gripe Water, adjusting your breastfeeding schedule and feedings, and mommy not eating Gluten.
- You always sneeze in pairs...and we discovered one night you 'yell' sneeze like your dad.  If you've never heard Patrick sneeze, it is hilarious.  He just yells the Ah in Ah-Choo of a sneeze.  Cohen did the same thing one night right before bed and we were doubled over in laughter.  So.  Funny.
- You have one long sleep period...usually 3 to 3.5 hours but most of the time are on a 2 hour schedule. This makes mommy very tired at night.  We are working at getting a pumping schedule after your doctors appointment this week so Daddy can feed you once at night.

We love you more now than yesterday ;-)


1 comment :

  1. I cannot believe he has a pee face, too cute! I'm glad you are back safe and sound. I am dying to come visit you so we need to figure out a good time. Get lots of rest and give that precious boy a kiss for me.


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