Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hospital Pictures and update

Because I promised :-)

The hospital pictures are a little more advanced than when I was born.  A nice lady came in and made a photo studio out of our bed linens.  To be honest, it was a bit too time intensive for me, but we did have a couple of good pictures.  And because we are first time parents, we were suckers and paid for them.  I think they turned out pretty good!

Cohen had his 2-week appointment today and he is doing so great. He is back up past his birth weight at 7 pounds 9 ounces and has grown an inch to 20.5! Even though our pediatrician isn't into the percentile thing (as long as he is growing and healthy) but its fun to know them. Cohen is in the 25% in head circumference and height, and 50% in weight.  We'll go back in two week for another follow up.

So far things have been a bit crazy here with learning this parent thing and visits from family.  We have loved every minute of it!!  Cohen has been pretty content with us and is a lovely baby.  He is easy to feed, loves his 2-3 hour naps and generally is good-natured. We have had a couple nights with gassy fussing, but so far are feeling pretty lucky.  I am healing....getting better every day....and rejoicing in the little things (like being able to take my own shower, laying down in my bed, etc!)  I have not loved the recovery - c sections are rough people- but I guess he's worth it. See pictures below :-)

I'd appreciate prayers for my followup appointment tomorrow.  I'm pretty nervous about the pain on my incision and them taking the steri-strips off.  Also, we are going to talk about the chances of going to Maui and how I'm feeling and if its safe for us to make the trip.


1 comment :

Lilypie first bday

Lilypie First Birthday tickers