Sunday, October 14, 2012

Aloha from Maui

Yes, yes, I am aware that I haven't updated in a while. Things are great-busy- but great. I have been trying to update Facebook but I know I have readers that aren't on my Facebook (I'm a bit weird about separating work and personal life- I want to make sure I don't mix boundaries.)

Here's the view from where I am typing on my iPad :-)

We are on day six of our Maui vacation. It has been exactly what we expected and Cohen has been a real trooper. The time difference of 5 hours has been harder on us than him. He still sleeps and eats every two hours or so, with a couple of 1 hour or 4 hour longer 'naps' in between.  Breastfeeding has really been the best thing so far.  Its portable, painless, and easy for us both.  I am looking forward to getting back home and pumping some so that Patrick or a babysitter! can take over a feeding or two for me.  To all you would-be moms, breastfeeding is the way to go! I am curious how to transition when I go back to work and how to pump enough milk without getting a huge supply boost.  Anyone have a good way?

I'll do a seperate post on Cohen coming up....lots of things we've learning in a short three weeks! Here is his cuteness in his favorite position...sleeping!

(We are sleeping on a pull out couch because it is MUY comfortable for my c-section angle.  Never thought I would enjoy sleeping on a 3 inch mattress as much as I have this week.  Oh, and thank to the Grafs for our co-sleeper for Cohen - he loves it!)

My sister's wedding was perfect here on 10-11-12.

The weather was a bit breezy but it kept the temperature down so we couldn't complain!  Cohen was the impromtu ring bearer and carried them up to the alter in his pocket.  Isn't he adorable?

Here's us at the ceremony.
And us at the reception/dinner cruise.  It was unbelievably windy, not that it looks that way in this picture at all)

So far he has braved his first airplane flight, a luau, a boat ride (reception and it was CRAZY windy), several dinner dates, walks on the beach, and time in family's arms.  I'd say the trip was worth the stress ;-)

For those of you that asked, I am doing better every day from the C-section.  I have now gone almost 48 hours without any pain medication.   The internal stitches still catch my breath sometimes and I really notice the outside insicion pain by the end of the day.  I thought maybe I'd been lucky and kept my ability to eat gluten but I've felt pretty crummy the last couple of days.  I am already limiting dairy because it gives Cohen a rash on his cute little butt, so the thought of no wheat and no dairy is pretty depressing.  TMI alert if you don't want to read further...  My deflating belly hangs over the incision spot and rubs it -Yowch!  I keep finding more stretch marks on my thighs, UGH, and my belly button is looking back to its old self.  I can honestly say I hate the way I look most hours of the day, but I know Cohen was worth it and I'll just have to be patient while I heal before I exercise again.  Plus, the body image thing is compounded when you are at the beach in a maternity bathing suit :-/

Oh, and daddy finally got to give Cohen a real-not-sponge-but-running-water-bath.  He did a great job and Cohen enjoyed getting scrubbed all clean!

How's that for a random update!  Blessings!

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