Thursday, September 27, 2012

39 weeks!

Marination Time: Cohen is 7 days old today ;-) I think I cried a few times today about how he is already a week old, and getting too big too fast.

Size of the week:  Cohen was 6 lbs 14 oz when we were released from the hospital and 6 lbs 12 oz at our appointment on Wednesday.  I say somewhere around there.

Maternity Clothes:  Nursing bras/tanks and nursing dresses.  I can't fathom putting on pants right now and not sure how I ever will with this incision - ouch.  With the insane amount of swelling, my flip-flops don't fit either, so I'm sure I'm a sight to be seen.

Movement:  Cohen is a pretty laid back baby so far.  I think he's growing and keeping his personality under wraps for a few more weeks.  He feeds, sleeps 2-3 hours and is alert for a bit before repeating the cycle.  Today he discovered his long limbs and has started to really stretch and fill his space.

Cravings:  I crave my pain meds...unfortunately I am still in a lot of pain in my mid-section and can tell when its about 30 minutes before the next dose.  I have weaned myself off the really loopy stuff, and am on the next lower ultimately I crave the day when I do NOT have to take the meds at all.  I am hungry a bit since starting breastfeeding, but not anything compared to being no specific food cravings here.  I crave time just holding and looking at Cohen- I mean, he is just so cute and perfect :-)

Annoyances: I can't get out of bed or chairs without assistance.  Not being able to pick up things that I drop.  Not feeling like accomplishing anything (blogging, facebook, scrapbooking) - I just want to sit on my butt and do nothing. Ugh.  There is NOTHING about Cohen that is annoying!

Belly Button: Deflated and oh those stretch marks, battle scars, and weird feeling skin.  I want to document my postpardumness for a few weeks/months after Cohen just so I can see the progression. I promise, however, no bare belly shots because no one wants to see that :-)

Highlights: In case you haven't heard, we have a baby ;-)  There is no better highlight of our lives.  It is wonderful and new and fun and more than we could imagine.  On that note, I miss my baby so I'll sign off for the evening!  Here are some pics of me giving him his bath at home.


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