Thursday, September 27, 2012

L n D 38 weeks!

Never late than never, right?  Thank you for your patience as we figured out this whole birth/first week home bit ;-)  It has been nothing short of bliss each and every day.  Here's where we started last Wednedsay..... I was 38 weeks pregnant!

We checked in for induction at 7:30 pm on 9/19/12 with mom and Patrick. Started an iv (ouch) before checking me for dilation and I was still only 1 cm and 50% effaced. We were a good candidate for cervdil!  The cervidil was inserted by the nurse at 9:00 pm (the twelve hour dose).  Thinking we'd have an easy night and then start pitocin around 9:00 in the morning-ha!

At 10 or so they started my antibiotics for Strep B. I was crying my arm/IV line hurt so much. Looking back at my 'labor' experience, I can honestly say this weShe adjusted the dose down and then wanted me to get up to pee.  By the time I got back into bed my contractions were pretty regular and getting uncomfortable, not to mention the cervidil had slipped out and was making other areas equally as uncomfortable.

She let me labor on my own for another hour before placing a second cervidil around 11:30 pm.  By 1:00 am I was breathing through contractions one by one...they were one minute long and 90 seconds apart.  Yup, I was in full blown labor with consistent and strong contractions before starting the pitocin.  We weren't even thinking about pitocin until 8 or 9 that morning, so we decided to go ahead and get the epidural so that I could get a good night's rest before laboring the next day.

I got the epidural around 2:30 am and it was REALLY hard to stay still for the doctor - between my sobbing (painful contractions and painful epidural needle) and Patrick crying for me, we were a sight to be seen I'm sure.  I could feel the epidural take effect immediately, and told the doctor my legs were feeling warm and tingly.  The medicine took the pain away but I was able feel my feet and it really wasn't the dead-leg feeling I had been told about.  It wasn't until I got the epidural that the Ambien they had previously given me was able to work and I fell asleep.

During my sleep Patrick stayed awake for updates as the nurses came and went.  At around 4am they came and removed the Cervidil because I was contracting and progressing too quickly and hoped that I would ease up.  When this didn't work over the next two hours at around 6:30 am they gave me Terbuteline to stop contractions altogether.  The contractions were overwhelming little Cohen, and he was struggling to recover between contractions.  His heart-rate and oxygen levels couldn't hold up before the next contraction would start since they were so close together.

Needless to say we were pretty scared!  Finally, at around 8 am, the nurse said they were just waiting on my doctor to come by to talk to us but that I probably needed to explore other options.  I think I was too drugged up to really have a panicked reaction, so my response was if Cohen needs it then lets do the cesarean.  We didn't really realize how much his little heart was struggling until my OB said we had about 10 minutes before the surgery would begin.  (Patrick had asked if we had a few hours before the c section or if we would do it that morning...she replied with the OR was prepped and ready for me).

They wheeled me out of our l and d room into the OR....

to be continued (here's a pic to hold you over!)

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