Sunday, December 23, 2012

3 months


You are three months old.  While I am loving this stage, I’m not going to lie and say I won’t miss saying you are two months old when people ask.

We don’t really know your measurements this month since your next pediatrician appointment isn’t until you are FOUR months old.  But we do know you are growing like a weed!
-       We’ve unsnapped your size one diapers so they are as big as they will get.  We still have to snug them up around the middle because your waist is small, but your rise is really tall. 
-       You are wearing all 0-3 month clothes.  Some of the ‘off-brand’ or discount clothing that we’ve found has to be in 3-6 month size because your torso is long. 
-       Your Carters 3-month PJS are too short, but the 6-month are too big.  The 3-6 month children’s place PJs are a bit better.  I think I have an entire blog post just on the drama of pajamas ;-)
-       We are pretty sure you are around 13 pounds now.  Sometimes we call you our butterball or gordito.  I love those little rolls on your thighs and wrists.

What have you been up to???

You celebrated your first Thanksgiving.

You are sitting up (assisted) and balancing that big noggin of yours.  You still have no desire to roll or anything mobile yet.

You found your hands.  As of today you are trying to figure out how to suck your thumb.  I promptly remove it before sticking in your paci!

You laughed.  Cutest. Thing. Ever.  We try most nights to get you to do it again, but you are saving that for another time, I guess.

You had your first allergic reaction to something on your skin/eye.  We think you've got skin like your momma...can you see the swollen right eye?
You love to be naked ;-)

Momma went back to work, and you love your Miss Susan.  

We decorated the tree for your first Christmas, and your aunt Audrey made you the family stocking.

 Bella is really starting to notice you and you can follow her with your eyes.  I still think she will be your protector.

You don’t love tummy time, but its for the best.  I’m looking at music here for band and you are supervising.  The tummy time usually lasts less than 2 minutes before we get big wet tears. We went from not being able to do much (and using the pillow) to a full push up!  Such a big boy!

You are generally a happy baby and only fuss when something is wrong.  You don’t like a wet diaper (who does?!?) you don’t like traffic (ha!) and you don’t like loud noises.  Sometimes you startle yourself while you sleep and cry so very loudly until one of us comforts you.  I’m hoping this isn’t nightmares!

You sleep in your big boy crib.  We got you a turtle night-light that shines stars on the ceiling. You don’t like the dark.  When we travel in the car at night, we have to have the hood light on so you can see your toys ;-)  I keep the monitor by my bed so I can see you at night, it helps me not miss you as much.

“Noone else will ever know the strength of my love for you.  Afterall, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.”  I love you baby Cohen.


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