Monday, December 3, 2012

Black Friday tradition

Every year we do this on Thanksgiving morning.  Those are the black Friday ads.

Yes, that would be my mother's table covered with ads. It looks chaotic, but those ads are in a specific order going around the table...ending with the final list (the buck always stops at Mom's list - I'm convinced its better than Santa's list!) We didn't need need anything off the stand-in-line-all-night-deal list so we started late...around 6am.

We started at Target where my sister and brother-in-law were caught by a local news station.  Go figure :-) Maybe they could tell we were part of the crazies?!?
One of the 20+ stores we hit..My two sisters and brother-in-law, Drew, taking care of Cohen while we checked out!
This is me and my sister's plates from Panera.  I just thought it was funny that our family got hungry that morning and of all breakfast stops, we chose a BREAD place (Aud and I both have to eat gluten-free)  This was the best the manager could do - an egg with a little flavor on top. 

Here is our trooper who made it the entire day with us!  Feedings were always a bit creative, but he did great - he was our good luck charm and helped us snag some awesome deals!


Mom and Cohen at the Sleep number store trying out the new bed.

She was eye-ing a new bed for the guest room and they had a super black Friday deal, so in we went.  They had a cool computerized bed that gave you your 'number' when you laid there - Patrick and I both tested it and we were sleeping really close to the number it said we should be at.  I'm at a 35/40 and he is at a 45/50!

Our best deals of the day were pots/pans from $400 down to $125 and luggage from $360 down to $70...  The BEST part, though, is spending time with our family.  Seriously, its slap-happiness at its best.  I can't wait until Cohen can stand in line at 4 am and hold our spots.  JUST KIDDING! Well, maybe... :-)

Our second mid-day rest break was at the Cheesecake factory.  My dad held Cohen most of the time and had entire conversations with him.  It was too cute.  Cohen loves his granddad!
Recognize this face? Yup - also, we had multiple outfit changes that day as someone kept peeing through their diapers..
Too bad fellas...we've got more shopping to do! Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to eat a big meal.  Can you say, food coma?
And, after a long day of shopping we all needed baths.  I can post pictures of Cohen's bath because anyone else's would be illegal.
 As a side note, here we all are at my mother's church on Sunday.  New Haven was the church we were married in and is my mother's home church!  Cohen did great - he started his nap right at the beginning of the sermon just like any good parishioner would.


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