Friday, August 10, 2012

32 weeks! (32w1d)

When we went to Oklahoma to see family, we found these adorable matching buff-baby portraits.  We are both 4 months old and in nearly the exact same position- so funny!  Can you guess which one is me and which one is hubbie?

Marination Time: 32 weeks...6 weeks, 6 days until induction date.  Teachers, this is a six-week's grading period!!!

Fruit/Size of the week: Honeydew Melon or 19 inches and 4.5 lbs

Movement: I videoed a clip yesterday to send to my mom of him hiccuping.  He had wiggled high enough that I could see my belly bounce with each hiccup - they usually last about 5 minutes or so, but he has been getting them 2-3 times a day!  I think its so strange that babies can get hiccups in there.

Cravings:  Protein this week has been the top of my list.  I have passed up ice-cream (gasp!!) for sandwiches, organic burritos, yogurt, bacon, or sushi (cooked, of course).  The books all say the next four weeks he will gain 1/2 pound each week in muscle and cute baby fat, so maybe that's why I am needing/wanting more proteins.

Annoyances: My feet.  Everything about my feet. Ugh.  I've already lost my ankles, and now my toes look like little vienna sausages because the swelling just will not go away.  Its really bad in the mid afternoon session of band camp, even though I try to keep my feet up.  Its hard to sit to eat dinner at the table because I can feel the blood just pooling at my feet.  Ah the joys of pregnancy...

Belly Button: Still just flat.  Patrick is secretly hoping it pops out - I'm not thinking it will.  But, I haven't noticed any new stretch marks this week!!! Yay!

Our First Childbirth Class was this week.  I have done a ton of research, so this week wasn't anything new.  We do have a ton of homework to do each week, so hopefully by the time Cohen makes his debut we will be good to go! has become our favorite thing this week.  We have been getting small boxes of gifts and deliveries almost every day!  This week we've put together the swing, the frame stroller and washed all our cloth diapers!
Another baby came to our church's sunday school class, new directions.  This is ND #3, miss Kenleigh Elizabeth.  We were able to spend a couple hours with her and her parents this week..first playmates for Cohen!!

P.S. If you've read all the way through, my picture is the first baby and hubbie is the second ;-)


1 comment :

  1. So glad you are using cloth! We've loved them on all 3 of ours. Let me know if you have any questions.


Lilypie first bday

Lilypie First Birthday tickers