Friday, August 3, 2012

31 weeks!

Marination Time: 31 weeks ;-) 7 weeks and 6 days to go....OMG

Fruit/Size of the week: This didn't change this week. Cohen's still about the size of a head of lettuce...however, the baby center app said that I should expect a growth spurt over the next 4 weeks.  Lets hope its not TOO much!

Maternity Clothes: A HUGE thank you to my friends that read last week's blog post.  I now have enough maternity work clothes to last me until the bitter end.  Between borrowing and gifts, I feel like I have an entirely new wardrobe :-) And for those of you that know me, I LOVE my clothes, so its really nice to walk into the closet and find cute clothes that actually fit!

Movement:  I'm pretty sure Cohen's been head-down all week.  All of the strong kicking motions are up towards my rib cage and his hiccup spells are all really low by my hips.  All the articles say he will move less as he runs out of room so I am trying to enjoy the movements as much as I can now!

Cravings:  Nothing really specific this week.  Patrick and I have been doing a lot of cooking and this week's theme was Mexican so it was Enchiladas, then Tacos, then Nachos! Yummy!

Annoyances: Not really an annoyance, but this week was pretty rough on my body.  We started band camp, and although I am in the air-conditioner, I am not used to teaching 8+ hours a day....and teaching in my third trimester.  Basically its kicking my butt.  All my second trimester symptoms came back with a vengeance this week; sore hips, not sleeping through the night, sore back, etc.  But I am taking it day by day and getting through it!

Belly Button: Flatter and Flatter.  The bottom is starting to puff out a bit and its a weird shade of red/pink.  I  really don't mind the in or out but I'd like to avoid a plethora of stretch marks if I can!! (Because I have complete control over that - Ha!)

Highlights: Um, we find out we are DONE with the Houston house.  D..O..N....E.......  I think I lost 50 pounds that night off my shoulders alone.  Maybe my back pain will be better ?!?  Lots of fun baby stuff this week!  We got to unpack and go through all the adorable gifts from our shower last week - I washed a bunch of the baby clothes and started organizing a bit in Cohen's room.  We had a couple duplicate gifts so we got to exchange them at some local stores - we didn't realize how fun buying bath toys and little booties could be ;-)  This weekend our family is hosting a shower in Oklahoma, and we are really looking to finish our cloth diaper stash (I'll have to do an entire other post on that!).  We went through what we currently have and set aside some budget dollars to shop in OKC this weekend for the rest of Cohen's fluff. I think we are half-way to having enough diapers and supplies, which is HUGE!

We had a recommendation from a friend to get this diaper changing pad- Its awesome, and I kinda wish they had an adult one for nap time or sitting on the floor.  Its called an Ah Goo Baby...just another fun thing that we got to shop for this week.

Challenges: This is really for me more than you all, I suppose, but I want to keep track of the happenings during these last few weeks.  First of all, as many of my band director friends can relate, we LOVE teaching our students and look forward to school every year.  Seriously - we do!  However, we also go through a week or two of mourning/depression of our loss of summer time sleep schedules, lunch dates, and pool time.  This week was that time for me.  I was just grouchy any time outside the band hall - but once I got in front of the kids I was fine and having fun ;-)  This is a picture of the flute camp that was AWESOME here in Allen.  Love me some fluties!  Here comes my 8th year of teaching!!

Another scary thing happened just yesterday was dealing with our fur baby, Bella, and her illness.  I was home alone and she had stuff coming out both ends...before foaming at the mouth, and slowing her breathing...  I was an emotional wreck and kept apologizing to our vet.  She is going to be OK - we've just got to monitor her food intact, give her a few medications each day, and pray that the vomiting stops.  Patrick got home from work yesterday and I literally felt like I handed off our 'kid' and then left the house for a much needed break band rehearsal.  We are in serious trouble when Cohen gets sick.  I may just need a valium to get through it ;-) Ah, nothing like getting prepared a bit early right??

I can't wait to see our family and friends (really more family!) this weekend in OKC!


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