Cloth Diapers?!?!?
Yes, I just heard you gasp, and you aren’t the first to tell
us we are crazy. Patrick and I
have decided to cloth diaper Cohen.
No, it’s not the old burp cloth and diaper pin cloth diaper plan like it
was when I was a baby – they have come a LONG way!
Here is Cohen a few days old with his first prefold and cover on. He was so tiny...I can't believe how this didn't fit him!
Here is Cohen a few weeks ago. Look how much those thighs have filled out! That has really helped with us finding diapers that fit!
There are several reasons why we ultimately decided that
cloth was the way to go for our family.
Our biggest two reasons are I think they are fashionable and look amazingly cute why in the world would you just use a plain white diaper?? the budget/money issues and the health
issues. :-) Monetarily, the average
family spends between $2K- $4K per child in disposable diapers (depending on how long
it takes them to be potty trained).
If you have multiple children, you are talking about a small fortune
literally being flushed down the toilet (put in landfills!)
For us in our new budget, this just wasn’t an option. Our initial investment in diapers is
around $500 total – and we decided to go with the one size diapers that will
last from Cohen’s birth to when he’s potty trained.
Health-wise we are concerned with allergies since I have
such bad allergies already.
Sposies (short for disposable diapers) have LOADS of chemicals in
them. I’m not going to quote
studies or get really scientific, but the next time you look at the back of the
diaper box, just google ONE of the additives. I know the little blue line makes it easy to tell when
your newborn has a wet diaper, but imagine the chemical reaction that has to
take place in order for that to occur.
As Patrick once so eloquently put it, “There is nothing safe about
putting chemicals by my balls….so surely my baby boy’s butt isn’t going to be
in those things!”
We have made this decision for our family, please don’t take
offense to yours. In fact, Patrick
and I both were sposie children and we turned out just fine. We have had to use sposies way longer than anticipated. His circumcision took 2 weeks to heal and about the same time his belly button fell off. Well, then we were off to Maui so we used disposable then as well. When we returned it was time for the trial and error period. We discovered the root of his diaper rash was the disposables, so I was really trying to cloth him immediately. The problem was he is/was too small for most of our 30+ diapers. I was stuck doing laundry every day....we have since ordered another 12 diapers that are sized small (9-18 lbs) and hope that will get us through until Cohen is 4-5 months old.
Here is our stash:
We are using a mix of styles for diapering. I am comfortable with the prefolds and
covers and will be using them while at home and/or on weekends. They are the cheapest, but also require
the most prep work. Also, Cohen can feel the wetness on these pretty fast so he has to be changed immediately after he goes. We have mostly
pocket diapers which allows us to adjust the absorbency depending on Cohen’s
growing, but we also have 10 or so All-In-Ones (aka Daddy and Grandparent
proof). These are JUST like
sposies with nothing to put together or take apart.
Here is the changing table and our set up that works for now. The diaper warmer (thanks Amanda!!) holds about 10 cloth wipes and I pour solution over them about every 2-3 days. We found it was easier to use cloth wipes otherwise we had to have two trash cans in the, its way more convenient to wash everything at once. (see our sposie stash there? We haven't used a single one ALL week!!)
Here is the wipe solution (water, baby soap, and some essential oils) and the wipes (cheap baby washcloths!)
The other side of the changing table. Here is our pail liner (we got the trashcan for $15 at Garden Ridge Pottery) so when the diapers need to be washed we literally just pull the liner and wash the whole kit n kaboodle!
We use Charlie's detergent right now and really like it. I can put up our wash routine if you want to know what it is... And to answer the real question in the back of your mind, the poop
doesn’t scare us. In fact, after
dealing with Bella’s issues last week, at least Cohen’s will be contained! And, breastfeed baby poop is water
soluble so we just wash it out – easy peasy! The washer doesn't get the stains out, so every few weeks I've been sunning the diapers- they are SO white afterwards. Its amazing how well the sun erases those stains! Oh, and I definitely dry the diapers in the dryer. Don't be fooled and think I'm hanging laundry everyday - I've got better things to do! I do a diaper load about every 2 days right now.
Our favorite diapers right now (Cohen is almost 2 months old) are the
thirsties size ones. I have thirsties covers, a couple pockets and their all-in-ones. Cohen basically lives in those most of the day. We also have a fabulous stash of some diapers from
Tail Feathers. She makes them out of her home and they are pretty amazing as well. I use prefolds when we are at home, but I really prefer the pocket or all-in-one for easy use.
Have I convinced you that we aren't cray-cray? Hm....well, come and visit. I bet you'll get addicted to them as much as we are.