Thursday, November 15, 2012

8 weeks!


I'm glad I get to say you are 8 weeks for 5 more calendar days.  Because after that point, you are two months old, and I don't know if I can handle that yet!

 Aw we have to take another picture?
 I tried to get a giggle shot, and caught the tail end of his wide mouth grin!

You are growing longer and longer these days.  We had to buy you new pajamas because the ones we had are too short..and the ones we bought for 0-3 months are too heavy.  You are a hot baby and like your thin cotton pjs better than the thicker fleece ones. (Notice these are Christmas pjs?? You are really growing faster than we anticipated here, buddy...)

We have settled more into a routine.  You go to bed between 9-10pm and get up between 7-8:30 am.  Most nights you get up twice: once around 2-3 and once around 5-6. You are very awake and smiley in the mornings but tend to nap a lot more in the afternoons.  Your morning naps are always less than an hour and your afternoon ones can run more than 3!

We do a little bob-time every day now.  We can't call it going for a walk otherwise your fur-sisters get all worked up.  We do about 2 miles everyday and mommy is jogging for very VERY short stints of it.  You seem to like it and usually fall asleep after the first 10 minutes.

 Yesterday was's our solution ;-) All bundled up and super cute!  On the shopping list is a bundle me (Thanks for the suggestion Kinsey! You can find her blog here.)
You tend to need a bit of snuggle time to go back to sleep during your afternoon nap.  Sometimes I wonder if you have bad dreams already, but after I rock you for a bit, you always go back to sleep. 

You are starting to hold your head up better and we've started putting you in your bumbo!  You LOVED staring at the blades of the fan from the seated position.
You had your first tailgate at OSU....another full post on that awesomeness later ;-) (BTW you are in the trunk of daddy's car here.  It was the best place to get you out of the Oklahoma wind!)


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