Thursday, November 1, 2012

Six weeks!


You are 6 weeks old today!

Since we both have been home together in some sort of 'normalcy' things are getting a bit easier each day.  I do like this stage better than the newborn one so far.  You are interacting more, I can read your cries and coos, and you are smiling and reacting more to us!

A few minor details from this week:

- You celebrated your first Halloween.  So. Freaking. Cute.

- You visited my work and those students just love you!  You fell asleep during the drum cadence and the fight song...only a band director's kid!  Here you are in my office!

- You spent Sunday, Monday and Tuesday with no sleeping or napping during the day.  It was a challenge for both of us!  Then yesterday and today some switch flipped and you have been an angel baby.  Please let the growth spurt be over!
- You slept 5 hours straight LAST NIGHT!!!! (The only reason I woke up is because your groceries wet the bed...small price to pay for sleep!).
 Can't resist the sleepy eyes...

- You seem to be a 10pm to 10 am sleeper.  When you wake to feed during this time period you go directly back to sleep!
- You don't like to be put down to bed.  Getting you into the sleep pattern has been our biggest challenge
- The dogs don't like you sleeping in the pack in play, so this is how/where they sleep now.  Mommy and daddy really like them sleeping on the couch instead of their bed ;-)

- We have discovered the wonder and beauty of the ring sling.  Best. Purchase. Ever.

- We are still rotating sposies and cloth diapers until our shipment gets here. Your diaper rash has cleared up thanks to Lanolin!
- I do at least 2 loads of laundry a day between your spitting up, leaky diapers and my over abundance of milk.  Hopefully this lets up!
- You enjoy your swing in spurts.  Today you napped in it for over an hour, but usually you only like it for 10-15 minutes.

- You take baths every other day and seem to enjoy it...if that means sleeping right afterwards ;-)
 Cute feet!
- Your favorite time of day is 10-11 am.  This week when you woke up during this time I got the most smiles ;-) LOVE it!

Here is our post-partum picture together.  You are definitely getting bigger and I'm getting smaller!


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