Friday, November 16, 2012

Go Pokes!

Last Saturday (11.10.12) we took Cohen to the OSU vs. West Virginia game in Stillwater.  It was his first road trip, but we had to go because we were celebrating!  It was Uncle Matt's birthday, it was the first time WVU played us as part of the big 12, and it was Cohen's first trip to OSU ;-)

 Cohen and his uncle Drew.  Patrick and Poppy got to get into the game with tickets from him!  Uncle Drew Rocks!

It was super windy all day.  We were closing our eyes during the gusts because the dirt would just fly.  I'm pretty sure Cohen had dirt in his eyes and ears by the time we were done.  However, he didn't seem to mind being held by EVERYONE ;-) Such a spoiled kid already!
Lady lovin' on her grandson....
 Our friend Margeaux and the baby...he was so content with her!

Forgive the goofy face - this is Stephanie, the hostess with the mostess on these tailgate parties.  She is expecting Cohen's playmate this spring and we are so excited!

 Sunday morning with the entire family at Poppy and Lady's hangover breakfast ;-)

Cohen with Uncle Mikey...

 'Playing' with his cousin Finley and Aunt Kara!
 Here's my adorable niece Finley...she liked my OSU hat! Such a girlie girl already and growing up so fast. (she's exactly 7 months to the day older than Cohen...cuz we planned :)
 See, they are best buds already!
 On Sunday after the game, my college roomie and her new family drove down from Wichita to see us.  Her adorable son, Henry, was bright-eyed and so happy.  Cohen was a bit fussy, but I think he enjoyed it anyway.  We went to Hideaway Pizza - a Stillwater must eat- and it was soooo yummy!

 The boys and Cohen...

 I mean, seriously?  You are one cute kid Henry!

Cohen all bundled up. We decided the hat made him look a little....well, thug-ish so we took a picture before we left.  I still think you're super cute!


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