Thursday, July 5, 2012

19 weeks!

19 weeks: 4 d blog
I know there is still some controversy on having unnecessary procedures during pregnancy.  For our family, we have decided that seeing our little boy is both a reassurance and positive emotional experience (especially for this mama!)  Plus, our friend Angela does the scans, is super supportive, and is just as excited as us to see Cohen grow.
Our first scan was at 15 weeks to determine gender.  Our pregnancy is not considered high risk, so our doctor will only perform 2-3 ultrasounds the entire time.  As many of you know, I am not the most patient person (lol) so finding out the gender in LATE MAY just wasn't going to do.  See our gender post here.  We found out at that appointment that Angela's boss was closing the clinic.  She squeezed us in the last day they were open, so we have some great 20 weeks pictures of our little man!  These photos were taken on May 11th at 4:00pm - we are 19w1d along here.
WARNING:  Photo overload!
At this point his skeletal system is turning from cartilage to bone.  Must be all the cereal and milk mama is drinking!
And because this is the ONLY time its ok to show private parts of my kid, Cohen is DEFINITELY still a little boy.  Kind of showing off a little early...why do men feel the need to do this?!?! Cross your legs, son!

This is my absolute favorite photo from the session.  You can see his face so clearly and really see his little baby BODY!  I am still in shock that this little being is inside my tummy ;-)
Here are all ten fingers - guess we don't need to count those in the delivery room!
We love our little Cohen.  Blessings!

19 weeks – halfway there!!

When I woke up on last Thursday morning, my preggo app on my iPhone read..."Congratulations, you are HALFWAY there!"  Even though this whole counting weeks, days and months gets confusing, I'm still not sure how 19 weeks completed, in your 20th week can count for halfway?!?!  Anyone else think the math is off?  40-19=20?
So hubbie took an adorable belly shot to commemorate the smallest I'll be for the next 20 weeks- ha!  I actually really like the photo.  My belly is shadowed on the wall and looks....well...pregnant!

So here is the week's stats ;-)
Marination Time - 19 weeks, 6 days
Maternity Clothes - Ugh.  At this point my belly isn't big enough to hold up the pants so they sag quite a bit when I walk.  The shirts I have are starting to fill out and/or be too small.  I'm beginning to really hate the way they fit in general.  This summer I intend to have a love-love relationship with my yoga pants and hubbies oversized t-shirts! A little TMI alert here- I finally broke down and bought larger bras.  Its amazing how much more comfortable the girls are when I get home!
Fruit of the week/size - Our little baby is the size of a small melon.  He has been that way since week 18.  I guess this is because this week is the last week they measure from crown to rump.  Next week they measure from head to toe, so little Cohen will be the size of a small banana!
Movement - Yes!  More and more!  He only kicks me on my left side.  After our ultrasound last Friday, we figured out why.  His body is laying horizontally with his head down towards my spine on the right and those little feet on the left.  Patrick was able to feel him kick on Tuesday before our running class.  First time that Daddy got to feel!!
Cravings - Actually, my hunger has gone way down this week.  I get full really fast and nothing but water and junk food sounds good.  I have been eating lots of cereal and milk for breakfast and dinner ;-) Guess its better than a hamburger!
Annoyances - I think I'm with the rest of the teachers right about now.  School in general is a bit annoying.  Kiddos are so DONE for the year and with the end in sight its been challenging to be really motivating for them.  They are wrapping up their core classes and with our spring concert still a week away, its like pulling teeth to get them to practice.  11 more days....but who's counting ;-)  My feet are swelling so I'm supposed to stay off of them (all you teachers laugh with me!).  Summer will hopefully help those as well!
Belly Button - Still in - LOL.  I am smearing stretch mark cream all over that belly though!  Fingers crossed that it works!  Has anyone had success with this brand? It came highly recommended.
Highlights:  Mother's day (post coming soon!), our last 3D ultrasound with Angela (again, for another post!), really feeling Cohen move more and more.  Also, I am really enjoying getting out to run/walk but it hurts my hips ;(
Have a great week!

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