Thursday, July 5, 2012

20 and 21 weeks!

20 and 21 weeks:
This month has flown by- with the ending of school and all the concerts/contests/family functions we blinked and realized I am almost completely through my 5th month!  Fortunately we remember to take our weekly belly shots on Thursdays to document my growth.  I am really feeling huge and bloated all the time.  I hate that my face and arms are showing the swelling and the added weight truly is uncomfortable.  Several times in the past few weeks I have questioned how overweight people can live with that added weight.  It is a burden to move around, to breathe, and to generally exist (read between the lines....I WANT MY BODY BACK!)
Here are this week(s) update:
Marination Time: 21 weeks
Maternity Clothes: Yes.  I have grown out of most of my medium tops and will be wearing larges for a while.  I am saving the mediums for postpartum when this belly shrinks a bit.  I bought my first swim suit from Target to wear to the lake and have also decided that flawy dresses will be my outfit of choice this summer!
Fruit/Size: Cohen was/is the size of a small banana, just under a pound.  I took a picture of the app on the exact day that we were 20 weeks and it was still mango-type baby.
Movement: Really most of this update will be in the 22 week post ;-)  I feel him move sporadically and usually on my left side.  When we went out with friends to BJ's for dinner he flipped after I consumed a root beer.  It was the WEIRDEST feeling!  My stomach turned and it kinda tickled.  I'm sure as he gets bigger this will be the norm.
Cravings: Dr. Pepper, Chickafila, Sleep, savory-type foods, Braums' Rocky Road ;-)
Annoyances: Waking up at 3am and taking a few hours to get back to sleep.  Also, the swelling and added weight are annoying.
Belly Button: IN.  This week I started to notice my belly getting a small dark line all the way down.  I guess this is called the line negra.  I showed mom this past weekend and she said she had one with all three of us, and it got darker as the months went on.  Its strange how hormones affect even skin color!
Highlights: Getting to the end of school, sharing preggo insights months with 4 of my preggo friends (3 in my sunday school class and Kinsey!), feeling Cohen move more frequently, running our first 5K and getting to the lake (more posts to come!)
Here are the dreaded belly shots...

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