Thursday, July 5, 2012

27 weeks!

27 weeks!

Here is a long awaited update.  I have gotten rid of the other blog and will hopefully catch on to Blogger soon.  So far it doesn't have nearly the coolness factor of Wordpress, but it does have one MAJOR plus - no viruses!  I went back and forth with this company who ultimately said I would need to daily rid my site of viruses or pay $500.  Uh huh, like THAT was going to happen.  So here I am, back at blogger.  Hope it works out all right!

Marination Time: 27 weeks and officially in my LAST trimester!

Maternity Clothes: Growing out of the shorter shirts and really finding yoga pants and shorts are my summertime preference.  I borrow Patrick's t-shirts most days when I am just hanging around the house.   I am also really dreading trying to fit into maternity clothes once school starts back up.  

Fruit/Size: Cohen is the size of a head of cauliflower (16 inches and 2.5 lbs)

Movement: We have a schedule:  2-3 am when I get up to pee, 6:00am when Daddy leaves for work, 11:00 am when Mommy eats lunch, 5:30pm when Daddy gets home, and 9:30pm when its time to sleep.  This has been pretty regular for the last 3 weeks.  The drama:  Last Thursday Mr. Cohen decided to take a full day's nap = major anxiety for mamma.  We tried EVERYTHING to get him to move; orange juice, caffeine, brownies, water, food, laying on my left side, etc.  Ultimately the doctor wanted me to go to labor and delivery to be checked out.  Well, our little drama boy waited unit they hooked up the ultrasound monitor and BAM! kicking away like crazy.  Needless to say I felt silly and overprotective, but the nurses were very nice and said I had done the right thing.  Thankfully we got another ultrasound and go to see him kicking, breathing (amniotic fluid) and yawn!  He was folded in half which may have hindered me feeling his movements as much, but I could feel his hiccups all evening afterward (probably all that sugar!)

Cravings: Dr. Pepper, Sno-cones, nothing too specific this week.  I have really noticed not being able to eat large meals any more, so I get hungrier faster and have to eat less.

Annoyances: The weight, the weight, the weight.  The maternal fat stores in my arms and my face is getting that double chin.  Ugh.

Belly Button: In but its shallow.  Super weird!

Highlights: Getting to see Cohen on the surprise ultrasound in L&D.  Having friends to lean on when we found out Patrick was laid off this week.  Really starting to plan invites for a baby shower.  Getting some scrapbooking done for Cohen's baby book!

1 comment :

  1. Yay for the final trimester!! I love you both and can't wait to meet Cohen with you!


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