Thursday, July 26, 2012

30 weeks!

Marination Time: 30 weeks, meaning no longer in the twenties - I am officially 8 months pregnant today, holy cow!  Even more shocking is my weekly count down is now 9 weeks and 6 days...if you count the week early induction, we are looking at 8 weeks and 6 days.  HOLY COW! I'm not sure I'm ready for this.

Fruit/Size this week: Head of lettuce (18 inches, 3.2 lbs) And yes, it feels like a bowling ball of salad resting on my lower body and pulling on my back. I'm super excited that he's growing and healthy - and also super excited that this extra weight is just temporary!

Maternity Clothes: We started school this week with professional development, flute camp, and high school band leadership camp, so my comfy summer wardrobe is obsolete.  I'm finding most of my fancy/school appropriate tops are too short or too small...same with my 2 pairs of slacks.  I'm trying to be creative with borrowing clothes as I will only be wearing these for another 8 weeks.  Anyone have any suggestions?

Movement: This is still my favorite part!  I think he has been head down this week as his kicks and shoves are really high and near my ribs.  A couple days ago I rested my cell on my belly and it was dancing! Also, Cohen gets hiccups at least once a day.  They feel like little tiny kicks at 10-second intervals...maybe my own personal metronome!

Cravings: Sleep!  I've reverted back to my first trimester non-sleeping habits.  I am able to fall asleep just fine at 9:00pm but 2:00-4:00am is my awake hours.  It may be the anxiety of starting school again, getting closer to his birth, the job situation, or random other little things.  Guess I'll be used to those nighttime feedings, though!

Annoyances:  The physical limitations of being pregnant. ;-) Its annoying to try to do dishes, laundry, feed the dogs and have to sit down afterwards!

Belly Button: Flatter and Flatter... more stretch marks on the side of the belly than on the front.  I'm waiting to see if they will make it all the way around.

Highlights: I am feeling bigger movements this week.  Its reassuring ;-) and we are in the home stretch! We have a couple showers coming every weekend for the next 3 weeks, so I'm excited to see all our friends and family.  Not pregnancy related, but Patrick and I made it through the first month on his adjusted salary and it feels really good to still be able to pay our bills.  We've been much more creative with our meals and finding/using coupons.  Dave Ramsey would be proud! Oh, and our first shower is this weekend in Houston.  I honestly am more excited about seeing everyone than actually having a 'formal' shower.  Its been WAY too long since we've been back to visit, and I am just over the moon to get to see everyone ;-)

We started our two week visits to the OB this week.  It won't be long until we are seeing her every week! 



  1. If you have time after the shower on sunday you can swing by and check out some maternity close you can borrow.I have a ton! Can't wait to see you-Janiece

  2. Sorry I meant clothes not close, darn phones

  3. I'm ready to feel these big movements that u are describing! I need some baby Cohen luvin! He better be a'cookin in there, keep reminding him he has a trip to Hawaii he better make it to! :)


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