Thursday, July 19, 2012

29 weeks!

Marination Time: 29 weeks!  Last weeks in the twenties - I CANNOT believe I just started my 30th week of this pregnancy.

Fruit/Size this week: Butternut Squash - about 3.1lbs and a bit over 17 inches long.

Maternity Clothes: Yes and yes.  Getting anxious about finding professional clothes that are comfy to wear when we start work next week.  I've got plenty of tanks and shorts for marching band, but not a huge amount of larger-your-in-the-third-trimester-hugeness dressy clothes.

Movement: Yes and yes.  Sometimes my belly dances on its own, especially at night before bed.  I've also noticed its uneven sometimes when his butt/back is all balled up on the left or right side.  Weird!  Movements and kicking are my favorite part of being pregnant!

Cravings:  Less hungry than last week, but still in need of a protein meal every 3 hours or so. Its over 100 degrees here so I've been sucking down water (and dealing with the bladder issues that go with!) so that may be helping.

Annoyances:  This HEAT.  I am OVER the summer months ;-) The back-aches after I've been on my feet too much or lifted the laundry. Also, the nesting instinct is going crazy.  I've organized under the sinks, my makeup and nail drawers, my scrapbook room, and made/addresses all my occasion cards to send out over the next 2 months.  Guess my brain knows that once school starts there will be NO time left to nest!

Belly Button: Not a lot has changed since last week. Still a flat inny!

Highlights:  I passed my glucose test with flying colors!  Bring on the ice cream and sno-cones, my friends! Also, my mom's First Grandmother Shower is this weekend in Tulsa.  Can't wait to see what she gets - hopefully I'll have that blog post up soon.


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