Monday, July 16, 2012

28 weeks!

Marination Time: 28 weeks 4 days (today)  Picture was from 28 weeks exactly!

Fruit/Size: Cohen is the size of a Chinese Cabbage! He is around 17 inches and 2.9 lbs...and I can tell that this past week my belly has gotten way bigger and is heavy to carry around.  I am anxious to find out how much he really is based on an actual growth scan.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, but since its summer time I have been living in bra-tanks and yoga pants.  I don't know if my true work clothes will fit once we go back to school ;-) but here's to hoping!

Movement: Yes! Cohen is wide awake at 3am, 6am, 11am, 5-6pm and 9-10pm.  He's scheduled like his mama.  I have felt him have hiccups this week!  Sometimes he has them twice a day and Patrick can catch his evening bouts.  We had a bit of a movement scare (see further down) this week because he has been so regular...but everything is fine!

Cravings: I have been hungrier this week - waking up in the middle of the night to eat goldfish or granola bars - and I really think he had a growth spurt that was all baby.  I am still loving the summer time sno-cones, ice-cream and watermelon.  Most days I have cereal (raisin nut bran) for breakfast.  Yum!

Annoyances: The cough/gag reflex thing is getting ridiculous. I probably cough/throw up about three times a day, and its always worse at night.  Trying to take some heartburn meds to help, but so far it doesn't take the gagging away.  It scares people - like when I visited Andrew and Kinsey, he gave me a hug and then I starting my not-breathing-can't-speak-cough and turned to Patrick to say, "I think I killed your wife!" Doc says that will go away in September...

Bellybutton: Flatter and flatter every week. I found my first stretch mark on my lower left side. BOO.  So I've been double slathering coconut oil and mustela on the budda belly.  If I'm like my mother, I will have stripes by the end of this pregnancy.

Highlights: Getting to see my college roomie, Kinsey, and her one month old son, Henry.  He was ADORABLE.  I can't wait to have them meet up!  We have also gotten to see family ALOT the past week and spend a couple nights at the lake.  It doesn't get better than that.  We had our glucose test this week, but don't know the results yet.  As soon as I do, I will post!

Lowlights:  I'm including some negatives this week because we really have had some challenges occur.  Last Thursday (right after my 27 week post) we found out Patrick's job was being cut.  We have had to make some scary financial and emotional decisions this week and are really trying to trust that God has a bigger plan than what we currently have.  On the same day I was having some serious concerns about Cohen's lack of movement.  We called the doctor and did everything they said : Coke, orange juice, sweet snacks to do a kick count.  He was at a 3 after an hour and they said go to Labor and Delivery.  Long story short, our little drama king was fine.  We did get to hear his heartbeat for hours and see him yawn on the ultrasound machine, so it was worth it!

I'm thinking I might use these pictures to tell people I'm in labor - my hair and makeups all done up pretty and my belly bump isn't gross yet ;-)

Have a happy week!

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